
Inspire next-gen talent

New insights, fresh thinking and one-of-a-kind support to improve how tech is taught.

Welcome to Techtopia.


08:15am - 09:00am

Registration and Networking at Wrest Point

Meet our exhibitors and kick off your day with complimentary arrival tea and coffee!

09:00am - 09:45am

Opening Session

Official Welcome
Welcome to Country
ACS CEO Welcome
Minister's Address
TASITE Award Presentation
Digital Pulse, ACS Strategy

09:45am - 10:30am

Opening Keynote and Q&A with Adam Spencer

Adam has hosted award-winning breakfast radio shows in Australia’s toughest markets and live current affairs TV. He has won improvised theatre competitions and once interviewed John Travolta in front of 75,000 people. Adam prides himself on the high level of energy, engagement and entertainment that he provides whenever on stage, set or screen. With 25 years’ experience in television, radio and events, Adam loves curating challenging and thought-provoking conversations and keynote presentations.

10:00am - 10:30am

Morning Tea Break and Networking


11.00am - 11.45am

Group 1: Modelling emerging technologies using hands-on STEM practice

11.00am - 11.45am

Group 2: Teaching coding with AI: helpful or harmful? ​

11:45am - 12:30pm

Group 1: Mission to Innovate: A Design Thinking Journey​

11:45am - 12:30pm

Group 2: Drone Session 

12:30pm - 13:30pm

Lunch Break​

1:30pm - 2:15pm​

Microbit’s in Action: Engaging STEM Learning​

2:15pm - 3:15pm​

Chat GPT and Mathematics Session for Educators​

15:00pm - 15:40pm

Afternoon Tea Break and Networking

15:40pm - 17:00pm

Closing Session